Gods and Goddesses
South American
Ai Apaec

TYPE: Supreme God

ORIGIN: Mohica Indian (pre-Columbian South America) [northern coast of Peru]

INFORMATION: Probably originated as a jaguar god but came to rule the destinies of the world. He was thought to live like ordinary people and could reveal himself as man or god at will. He is depicted in anthropomorphic form, but with huge fangs and a catlike wrinkled face with whiskers coming from his nose. He received sacrificial victims hurled from the top of a high cliff.
Ai apaec (from the Mochica Aiapæc [a.ja.pøk] or [aiapøk]), was the chief deity of the Mochica culture. The most feared and adored of all punitive gods, it was also referred to as the “headsman”. Ai Apaec was worshipped as the creator god, protector of the Moche, a provider of water, food and military triumphs. Aiapaec means 'maker' in the Mochica language.